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Procuro por:

domingo, 7 de julho de 2013

"O mundo está em perigo com a nossa tirania", disse Stone.

É impressionante. A frase do título foi dita por Oliver Stone, cidadão americano, ganhador do Oscar por três vezes. Ele considera Edward Snowden um heroi na medida em que prestou um enorme serviço ao revelar o que todo cidadão americano deveria saber. E chama de “desgraça” as técnicas de espionagem no estilo Bush, usadas por B.Obama.  Transcrevo a matéria abaixo que também pode ser lida em:

Oliver Stone Calls Edward Snowden A 'Hero,' President Obama's Tactics A 'Disgrace'

Politically outspoken director Oliver Stone called Edward Snowden a "hero" during a Fourth of July appearance at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. The Oscar winner also blasted President Barack Obama for his "George Bush-style eavesdropping techniques," calling the controversies a "disgrace."
"To me, Snowden is a hero, because he revealed secrets that we should all know, that the United States has repeatedly violated the Fourth Amendment." Stone said. "He should be welcomed, and offered asylum, but he has no place to hide because every country is intimidated by the United States. ... Everyone in the world is impacted by the United States' Big Brother attitude toward the world."
Stone attended the festival to screen episodes of "Oliver Stone’s Untold History of the United States," his 10-episode documentary series that depicts the country from World War II through the War on Terror. The event also screened "Scarface," which Stone wrote, and the "ultimate" cut of the director's critically panned 2004 epic "Alexander."
The director, also known for "Platoon" and "Born on the Fourth of July," warned those who attended his press conference -- mostly European journalists, according to The Wrap -- that "we need countries to say no to the United States."
"The world is in danger with our tyranny," Stone said.

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